Smart Hosting: How Essential Amenities Can boost Your online visibility. Vacation Rental’s Expert Consulting Services

So why adding more amenities is important for your rental property? 

 Think of these amenities as signposts that guide your property toward a wider audience. Travelers actively seek properties that align with their preferences, and by ticking off these essential checkboxes, you’re effectively placing your property on their radar and appearing in more searches. 

 Whether it’s a business traveler needing seamless connectivity and a dedicated workspace, a family in search of a child-friendly setup, or safety-conscious guests seeking a secure stay, your property’s inclusion in relevant searches can be the game-changer that leads to more bookings.

  Below, we will explore the essential components of vacation rental amenities.  

Smart Hosting: How Essential Amenities Can boost Your online visibility. Vacation Rental’s Expert Consulting Services

Seamless Connectivity: Elevating the Digital Experience

 In today’s interconnected world, fast and reliable WiFi is a necessity, not just a luxury. Guests depend on seamless connectivity for work, leisure, and staying connected with loved ones. 

 Slow internet can lead to guest dissatisfaction, particularly for international travelers dealing with roaming charges. While platforms like Airbnb lack a display for internet speed, you can set yourself apart by providing the actual speed in your listing description and photos. 

 High-speed WiFi becomes a tool that enriches the guest experience, inviting positive reviews and positioning your property as modern and accommodating.

P.S You can do a speed test here:

Climate control:

 Efficient heating and cooling systems offer more than just convenience — they embody the heart of a comfortable stay. 

 Whether guests are seeking relief from the cold of winter or a break from the intensity of a summer heatwave, your property should provide a reassuringly comfortable environment. 

 Overlooking this crucial aspect could overshadow their entire experience, especially during periods of extreme weather.

 Pro tip: Turn on the climate control ten minutes before your guests' check-in.  

Smart Hosting: How Essential Amenities Can boost Your online visibility. Vacation Rental’s Expert Consulting Services

Side story about Climate Control importance

  Allow me to share a cautionary tale with you. There was a gentleman who possessed a pleasant apartment near the old town city center. Prior to enlisting our assistance for his retirement endeavor in the short-term rental business, he made efforts to ensure his guests felt welcomed. He renewed the property’s appearance, added a new sofa and bed, introduced a television, and even left a bottle of wine with fruits for each guest upon check-in.

However, there was a significant issue: his apartment lacked air conditioning. After a few guests had stayed, negative reviews emerged highlighting the “no AC” predicament. As these reviews accumulated, the frequency of bookings declined. In response, the owner decided to reduce the price to compete with the market. Surprisingly, each guest who stayed thereafter seemed inclined to raise complaints in hopes of getting a discount or compensation from

Naturally, I explained, guests will voice their complaints. Firstly, there’s an excess of information to digest on the listings, particularly when one is comparing properties. Secondly, foreign tourists aren’t accustomed to such intense heat. The summers in their home countries are considerably milder than in your city. Consequently, even though the property description lacks any reference to AC, the guests find themselves very uncomfortable.

The sole solution at your disposal is to invest in air conditioning units. This way, you can raise the nightly rates to recoup the investment and account for the electricity expenses.  

After persuasion, he agreed. Reviews improved, and occupancy went up.

Remember, investing can lead to greater returns!

Smart Hosting: How Essential Amenities Can boost Your online visibility. Vacation Rental’s Expert Consulting Services

Enhancing the Culinary Experience: Thoughtful Kitchen Essentials

 Some guests prefer to cook rather than eat out during their stay. Either because of dietary reasons or due to budget considerations. 

 A well-equipped kitchen, stocked with enough pots, pans, and appliances like a grill oven, enhances the visual appeal of your property and entices people to choose it over others. 

 While a chef’s kitchen might not be feasible in every space, upgrading your kitchen with carefully selected utensils could be all it takes to secure a booking.

For our clients, we even manage to add paid “experiences” or “wow factor” using their existing kitchens. 

Invest in Comfort: quality bedding is a crucial  

 Comfortable beds are fundamental to ensuring a good night’s sleep for your guests. Well-rested guest is more likely to leave positive reviews and return for future stays. 

 Choose sheets made from high-thread-count cotton or other breathable materials. Crisp, clean sheets contribute to a feeling of luxury and cleanliness.

 Add a touch of style with decorative accent pillows. These can enhance the overall aesthetic while adding an extra layer of comfort.

Smart Hosting: How Essential Amenities Can boost Your online visibility. Vacation Rental’s Expert Consulting Services
Smart Hosting: How Essential Amenities Can boost Your online visibility. Vacation Rental’s Expert Consulting Services

Sustainability as a Statement: Eco-Friendly Initiatives

 Showcasing your commitment to sustainability enhances your property’s appeal. Incorporate eco-friendly amenities such as reusable water bottles, recycling bins, and energy-efficient appliances. 

 In an increasingly environmentally conscious world, guests appreciate properties that align with their values. Not only does this demonstrate your responsibility as a host, but it also appeals to the growing demographic of eco-conscious travelers.

Safety Features: Ensuring Guest Well-being

  Prioritizing the safety of your guests is paramount. Incorporating basic safety features including smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits goes beyond complying with regulations — it demonstrates your commitment to their safety. 

 For guests, these features are not only essential; they provide peace of mind. Things like easily accessible first aid kits demonstrate your preparedness for the unexpected.

Smart Hosting: How Essential Amenities Can boost Your online visibility. Vacation Rental’s Expert Consulting Services


Incorporating these essential amenities isn’t just about checking boxes; it’s about creating a holistic experience that leaves a lasting impression. 

Elevate your short-term rental by prioritizing guest safety, comfort, and convenience — the keys to becoming a sought-after rental for travelers seeking a home away from home.


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